Office Chairs

In the long term, a steady posture and a monotonous course of movement are a burden on the body. The consequences are muscle stiffness and cramping, head and back pain or also ‘normal’ fatigue, because the circulation is insufficiently stimulated. Sitting healthy overcomes these objections. The sitting position is constantly changing – and this dynamic keeps the body moving, which is called dynamic sitting.

SAGADA Project Design has a wide range of ergonomic office chairs, such as NPR office chairs with different mechanisms, ergonomic stools and desk bikes (desk bike), standing aids, special seats for sitting / standing workplaces and industrial chairs and stools.

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SAGADA Projectinrichting –
Amsterdam – The Netherlands
Telefoon: +31 (0)20 6754660
Telefoon mobiel: +31(0) 610522238

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Contact Us

SAGADA Projectinrichting -
Amsterdam - The Netherlands
Tel: +31(0)20 6754660

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